As part of its partnership with DE Africa, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory took part in the 2023 annual activities kick-off workshop, organized in Accra (Ghana), on February 7-8, 2023.
This meeting made it possible for the DE Africa Management Team and the implementing partners (AFRIGIST, AGRHYMET, CSE, OSS, RCMRD) to share the work plans and reach a common understanding of the year 2023 challenges.
The OSS presented the actions it carried out in 2022 and those planned for 2023 in its area of action (including case studies in Burkina Faso and Tunisia), within the framework of the desertification, climate change and biodiversity conservation conventions, with a particular focus on the Earth Observation (EO) tools contribution in the land degradation assessment.
The workshop took end with reinforced synergies between the partner institutions with a view to achieving the common objectives and a DE Africa's readjusted strategy for more impact on the preservation of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development in Africa.
The participants agreed on a number of capacity building activities, communication and the dissemination of the results, while emphasizing the DE Africa's diversity and inclusion policy.
Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) is a geospatial infrastructure used at the African continental scale to meet key national development priorities and align with regional and global frameworks such as Africa 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).