The OSS is taking part in the UNCBD (COP15)

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory is taking part in the UNCBD (COP15)

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory is taking part in the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15), which is being held in Montreal – Canada, from December 7 to 19, 2022.

The OSS will be taking the Conference to reaffirm its commitment to finding appropriate solutions to the environmental challenges facing the African continent and whose impact is increasingly felt, in particular the repeated episodes of drought and the loss of biodiversity.

Our participation will be marked by a rich and diversified program that has been planned in order to provide a global insight, making it possible to go over and understand all biodiversity related challenges and issues.

The OSS side event, organized in partnership with the AFD, will give the opportunity to speak of the Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting serving the United Nations decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Our representatives will also take part in a series of side events with our technical and financial partners, and will welcome all interested participants to stand N°103 to exchange on topics of common interest such as the management of protected areas in Africa, ecosystem and land restoration and Climate Finance for biodiversity.

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