Start of the Regional Steering Committee of the AdaptWAP project, organized by the OSS in Niamey, April 12, 2022

The 3rd Steering Committee (CoPil)* of the AdaptWAP project was held in Niamey on April 12, 2022, in the presence of its members, representing the three relevant countries of the project (Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger).

The opening of the meeting, moderated by Mrs. N'deye Fatou Mar, Coordinator of the Land Program at the OSS, was marked by the speeches of Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, Executive Secretary of the OSS, Mr. Yacouba Seybou, Director General of Water and Forests of Niger, Mr. Benoit Doamba, Director General of OFINAP from Burkina Faso, and Mr. AbdelAziz Baba Moussa, Director General of CENAGREF, from Benin.

The works of this meeting aimed to assess the progress of the project and validate the work plans as well as the new activity proposals taking into account the particular situation of the region. The roadmap indicating the main deadlines was also adopted (MR-EWS activities, concrete actions for the benefit of the populations, etc.).

The CoPil was also an opportunity to present and promote the various products of the project, which represent support instruments for the sustainable and coordinated management of the WAP complex, and particularly the climate change adaptation plan adopted by the 3 affected countries.

This meeting was extended upon OSS proposal and with the approval of the partners, to the Council of Ministers in charge of the Environment of the WAP Complex (CM/WAP), which met on April 13, in Niamey, to validate the establishment of the WAP Complex Executive Secretariat and promote the creation of national management units for the Multirisk Early Warning System MR-EWS (floods, bush fires and drought).

* The Steering Committee is the monitoring body of the project achievements. It approves the annual work plans and budget as well as the technical results in accordance with the financial resources. It also provides strategic advice and guidance for the project effective execution. The OSS-housed Regional Project Implementation Unit provides the secretariat of the Adapt-WAP project CoPil.

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