AdaptWAP project - the Benin component :  Stakeholders surrounding the W park trained on the sustainable management of fishing resources September 20-23, 2022

The department of Alibori, in the North-East Benin, hosted the train-the-trainers course on the sustainable management of fishing resources and on improved fishing product processing techniques.

The training course was organized by the National Center for the Management of Wildlife Reserves (CENAGREF), under the supervision of the Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development of Benin, with the aim of making the traditional inland fishing stakeholders change behavior and adopt a sustainable management of fishing resources.

Both theoretical and practical courses made it possible to train 20 beneficiaries from the cities of Karimama, Malanville, Banikoara, and Kandi to contend with the impacts of climate change, in particular the decline in fish production due to the overuse of waterways in the W Park and unconventional fishing techniques.

The beneficiaries of the training sessions (fishermen, fish farmers and fishmongers), will have to train and raise awareness among the local communities on good fishing practices (the choice of the breeding site, the varieties of fish to breed, how to feed them, the fishing, sales and processing techniques, etc.).

For the record, this training is part of the « Integration of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in the Consolidated Management of the Transboundary Wap Complex » project that is financed by the Adaptation Fund and implemented by the OSS with its partners from Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger.